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Let's talk about people...

In these difficult times and amidst the turmoil caused by Covid 19, we also have witnessed countless examples of dedication, often of real heroism. It’s no exaggeration stating that mankind’s resilience and the preeminence of human beings over systems and machines have emerged very clearly.

We had been nurturing for quite some time the idea to give room and talk about our human resources rather than focus on company structure, developments and technology and there is no better occasion than doing it now.

Without further ado, please meet Alessio De Giacobbe, our Technical Department Coordinator. Rather than writing down a company job description, we thought it a good idea to just interview him, so there it is.

Q. Alessio, how would you describe your job? 

A. That’s funny…even today, I still hesitate to answer this question when asked by friends of my kids…                                   

I am fundamentally the “entry point” for our technicians, from the very beginning of their career with Intech (analyzing their curricula, providing a score for each of the multiple items that compose the overall profile of each technician which is used when we create a team for a specific assignment. Then I keep on following them while they work at the client premises and provide support both for technical as well as human issues. In order to do that properly and effectively, I have been collecting through the years quite a documentation, pertaining to “old machines” as well as the newest and developed proprietary tools, all available on our cloud servers.

Q. You are appreciated by all our technicians and obviously, to get such respect, you must have worked at customers' production lines, right?

A. Yes, of course; I started my career with the founders, since the very beginning, as a technician and worked in quite a number of countries in Europe, Africa and the Middle East; I can say I know exactly what it is to have to manage a team of hard-working technicians, handle problems, report to the company and satisfy the manufacturer of the line and, last but not least, the customer who made quite an investment and rightly looks for excellent final tests that will translate in ROI. Just like in any human endeavor, problems arise and delivering a turnkey system means all its components must work properly, from the beginning of the process till the end, with the bottles or cans stacked up in wrapped around pallets, with an output that can reach 100,000 units/hour.

Q. Quite a challenging job indeed, which leads us to a final question: you obviously must have a strong motivation to hold this position, with all its challenges, day in, day out. How do you keep such grit and passion?

A. Well, as strange as it may seem, I studied Political Sciences at the university and this has had a deep impact on the technical background I acquired at high school…Before humanistic studies, I was simply expecting that two plus two equal four: after, I started asking myself “Why?”… so yes, I am used to investigating matters and I do have a “passion”: I can’t give up, I can’t let the machines “win”; thus, no matter what and whatever it takes, my motto is "never give up and never leave a problem unsolved".

Well, thank you for sharing these thoughts with us and keep up the good works, Alessio!

InTernational Technology of Food and Beverage SL C.I.F. B 76.658.608 

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